OMHSPA Membership

become a member of omhspa - ontario municipal health & safety professionals association

The Benefits of
OMHSPA Membership


Five general meetings per year for education, development and networking.


Ask Health & Safety questions and get answers from other members.


Digital access to OMHSPA's shared policies, procedures, and resources.

OMHSPA Members can take advantage of the pricing arrangement between the Association and Infrastructure Health & Safety Association (IHSA) for high-risk, high-hazard training services. This agreement pertains only to work that will be performed in Ontario.

OMHSPA members will be able to purchase Green Books for a member’s price of $17.25 per book, a 30% savings off the regular price. To order Green Books, reach out to and you will be connected with a member of the OSG team who will be able to set up the order and provide discounts.
  1. Select the ORANGE button below
  2. In the online REgistration Form choose the course name from the drop-down menu
  3. Indicated that your municipality/organizations IS a TCA (Toronto Construction Association) member
  4. Fill in the required form fields
  5. Select “Submit application or “print to submit by mail”

OMHSPA members receive all “The Construction Institute of Canada” 2025 courses at TCA Membership pricing.


Network with other Health & Safety professionals in Ontario.


Discounts to various safety organizations that supply training and services.


Access member rates for all OMHSPA sponsored events and conferences.

Meetings & Events

As a member of OMHSPA you have access to great support, lots of information, and both virtual and in-person conferences and meetings

Stay up to date with the latest Ontario Municipal Health & Safety Professional Association’s general meeting and event dates and times.

OMHSPA General Meeting – Friday February 28, 2025 (Virtual)

OMHSPA General Meeting and Technology Day – Friday April 25, 2025 (In-Person)

OMHSPA 45th Anniversary L&D Conference – June (TBD – In-Person)

OMHSPA General Meeting – Friday September 26, 2025 (Virtual)

OMHSPA General Meeting – Friday November 21, 2025 (Virtual)

OMHSPA Holiday General Meeting – Friday December 12, 2025 (In-Person)


Become a Member

Practising member


This member is in an active professional and non-union occupational health and safety role.

This may include:

  • Municipal & regional government
  • First Nations council bands
  • Utilities
  • Conservation authorities
  • Publicly funded transportation services
  • Agencies
  • Library
  • School boards
  • Commissions
  • Other organizations which are funded by a municipal or regional level of government, and comparable levels of public service organizations, as determined by the Executive

Practising membership is based on the fact that the individual spends approximately 50% of their time providing occupational health and safety expertise to the organization.

A membership application should include a copy of a job description or posting.

This member has voting rights within the Association.

Associate Member


By approval/invitation of the Executive only. 

This member is in a professional occupational health and safety role from the public sector and is not an employee of a municipal & regional government organization defined as a Practising Member.

Their work meets the membership requirements of a Practising Member.

An invitation will only be extended if ratified by a majority show of hands of all Practising Members in attendance at a general meeting.

An Associate member does not have voting rights with the Association.

discover membership benefits when you join omhspa - ontario municipal health & safety professionals association



Title of the membership belongs to the payer of the membership fee.

The Executive may permit transfer of membership, at the request of the payer, provided the person to whom membership is transferred meets the criteria for membership.

Practising Members have a responsibility to promote health and safety within the municipal environment and to assist fellow members with the development and implementation of effective policies and procedures.

Only Practising Members are entitled to vote on matters presented to the membership for a vote.

No member shall use, or permit the use of membership in OMHSPA, or the membership list, or minutes, for the purpose of active commercial solicitation.

Honourary Member


At the discretion of the Executive, and by member request, an Honourary Membership may be conferred upon a former member of the Association who meets the following criteria:

  • Ten years as a member (in any membership class) of the Association, or
  • Five years as a member (in any membership class) of the Association, including at least one year on the Executive, and
  • Is retired and is no longer employed full-time in the Occupational Health & Safety field.

Honourary Members will be exempt from payments of dues and will receive minutes and OMHSPA ML access at their request.

An Honourary member who returns to full-time gainful employment shall relinquish their Honourary Membership and may reapply at a future date in time.